
Plura. 2023-2024

Plura is a white labeled multi-tenant SaaS building and funneling application that empowers agency owners, a market that has not been tapped into yet. With plura, users can create and manage agencies each with its own sub-accounts for their respective clients giving them access to plenty of features. Agency owners can invite staff to assist them with running business operations and same for sub-account users, owners can access their dashboard and see performance metrics, sub-accounts are also required to connect their stripe to sync their stripe products and manage payments directly in the app. Next, there is the pipelines where users can create Kanban-like boards where they keep track of their business processes(with assignments, tags, value...). Finally, sub-account users can build funnels and websites and host them on custom domains within the app, thanks to a fully customizable funnel builder embedded in the app with elements, layers, media bucket. Once crafted, users can preview and edit funnel steps. Ultimately, accessing the live production link

  • Multi-vendor B2B2B SaaS 💡
  • Agency and Sub-accounts 💼
  • Funnel Hosting 🌐
  • Website and Funnel Builder 🛠️
  • Role-based Access 🔑
  • Stripe add-on Products 🛒
  • Stripe Product Sync 🔄
  • Custom Dashboards 📊
  • Media Storage 📦
  • Project Management System 📋
  • Kanban board 🧮
  • Funnel Performance Metrics 📈
  • Clerk Auth 🔐
  • Prisma ORM 💎
  • uploadthing File Upload 📁
  • MySQL Local Server 🖥
  • PlanetScale Production Database 🛢️
  • Homemade State Management 👔

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